Webinar ACHCA: Providing a Complimentary Roster of NAB Approved CE Webinar through June 20, 2020
ACHCA knows that many in our Community are facing unexpected challenges, economic limitations, and a heightened appreciation of what matters during this COVID-19 crisis. We are learning to adapt to unprecedented situations. Your professional development and license renewal should not be one of your anxieties as you seek to obtain your required educational credits.
ACHCA has always provided a free roster of NAB approved CE programs to our members. From now until June 30, 2020, we are offering to both members and non-members FREE NAB-approved webinars. Click here for the list of webinars.
We want to continue providing our Community with timely access to information, educational resources, and support. If you are seeking a specific resource or educational topic, let us know. You may contact Elizabeth Lollis at elollis@achca.org or Jana Pauldin at jpauldin@achca.org.