Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) funds are monetary penalties imposed by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) against skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). A portion of these funds are then returned to the state in which they were imposed and reinvested through grants that seek to improve quality of care or quality of life of residents. All Medicare and/or Medicaid certified SNFs in Washington are eligible to participate in the CMP grant-funded projects.
SilverKite Community Arts
SilverKite Community Arts™ uses the arts as a tool to promote creative engagement in all stages of life, bridge generations, and work towards eliminating the effects of loneliness. Through our innovative, award-winning programs and services we strive to promote joy, build relationships, and strengthen communities – one connection at a time.
MOREArts Art Kits:
SilverKite Community Arts and LeadingAge Washington joined forces last year to apply for a new CMP grant to provide additional art engagement tools to your residents in skilled nursing. For this grant opportunity, SilverKite provided 11 SNFs with four classroom-sized arts toolboxes per year, and support their use through online coaching and professional development for staff. The classroom-sized toolboxes will be filled with enough arts supplies for numerous activities for up to 12 people and includes an instruction booklet on how to use the activities. Each toolbox will include supplies for activities in a range of art forms (dance, writing, visual arts, reminiscence) designed to be as inclusive of cognitive and physical challenges as possible.
Overall goals of the program:
- Increase resident arts engagement in the communities to promote joy, well-being, and improve moods.
- Provide staff with skills to help them develop arts engagement programming into the future
- Assist in helping communities reconnect with each other post COVID
Program overview (in a nutshell):
The MOREArts program is designed to provide Activities Professionals with arts supplies and arts engagement ideas for their residents. During the 3 year program, participating communities receive quarterly boxes of arts supplies as well as training and support from SilverKite on how to use them in their communities. The intent of this program is to provide staff with arts program ideas and supplies and help them to develop the skills to facilitate the program during its operation and beyond.
Each quarter (4 times per year), SilverKite will design and create original seasonally-based classroom-sized ArtKits (enough supplies for 15 residents to use at a time) filled with carefully curated arts supplies and arts activity instructions for staff members to use in group setting. Each ArtKit will follow a seasonal theme and include supplies for activities in a range of artforms (dance, writing, visual arts, reminiscence). There will be 8 one hour lesson plans in each box. Each participant community will receive one ArtKit per 50 residents (21 ArtKits in total).
The SNF communities will be able to tailor the community ArtKits to their residents’ needs by selecting from a menu of activity options each quarter. The ArtKits will be designed to be as inclusive of resident cognitive and physical challenges as possible, with the specific residents of the participant communities in mind.
SPARK BOXES: Our grant included: Quarterly arts programming kits: Each participating community received the following resources one time each quarter (4 x per year): An activity box filled with arts supplies for 20 residents (may be adjusted per request) and a step by step instruction booklet for different arts workshops that can be done in their community using these arts supplies; Online professional development sessions walking them through the contents of the boxes and how to facilitate the workshops in the instruction booklets; Individual coaching / assistance (1 – 2 sessions available per community) to help staff feel comfortable facilitating the arts workshops; Professional Development workshops: in addition to the quarterly support of staff, half day professional development workshops will be offered two times per year which dive more deeply into the design and facilitation of arts workshops in all of our 45 SNF communities
Comments from participants:
- “One resident said it felt like Christmas. Another said she loved it, while taking everything out and laying on bed. 2 residents started coloring their boxes right away. They are receiving them well. We do not leave with residents that are unable or do not want one. We are giving them out as new people come in or someone looks like they would participate with it.” – Tacoma Lutheran
- “A fairly independent resident could not believe that we received the boxes for no charge and thought who ever gave them must be very kind hearted in thinking about the residents ‘locked away’ in nursing home without family” – Garden Village
- “Really love the boxes…make our 1:1 time with residents very nice” – Living Care Yakima
- “The box is beautiful and well put together but not entirely applicable for the residents we have.” – Arlington Health and Rehab
- “Residents liked to color the boxes then held the boxes to take pictures. They enjoyed to watch the picture showing, too.” – Kin On
- “Residents were really excited and surprised but several of them were worried that they had to pay for it. It was an interesting response we were not expecting!” – Hearthstone
- “I just wanted you to know the resident really love the spark boxes . I wrap the boxes to make it a little exciting , the joy on the residents faces was priceless . I would like to thank you for thinking of park shore with the spark boxes and if you have any more boxes that you could spare we would more than happy to have them.” – Parkshore
- “Currently it’s very one-on-one at the moment with each resident, but we’re beginning to have very small group activities and we will be using them all very soon. What a great idea, thanks so much for thinking of us.” – Timber Ridge
SilverKite contact: Jennifer Kulik, Ph.D., Founder & CEO, SilverKite Community Arts
Working to Improve Dementia Care and Quality of Life
Designed to improve the lives of residents in skilled nursing facilities who suffer from Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders, LeadingAge Washington and the Music & Memory Project will provide personalized music to skilled nursing residents in approximately 45 participating communities during a two year period.
The project incorporates the nationally known Music & Memory℠ program which brings individualized music to residents in long-term care homes via Mp3 players. Since 2008, the program has been successfully implemented in thousands of long-term care facilities in the U.S. and Canada.
The Music & Memory℠ Grant is funded through CMS. The project is open to all LeadingAge Washington nursing home providers in Washington state. We now have forty-one SNF’s certified. Press Release.
- How MUSIC & MEMORY℠ Plays a Special Role in Veterans Care Communities
- Music & Memory In the News
- Volunteering for Music & Memory
- Music & Memory Updates
- A Mother’s Legacy Inspires a Benefit Concert for Music & Memory
A spry woman who danced to Big Band music at her 90th birthday bash, Betty Reed was a powerhouse.
A loyal Purdue alumna and lifelong fan of their women’s basketball team, Betty was, among her many accomplishments, one of the first women to enlist with the US Coast Guard SPARS during World War II; an Indiana farm wife and mother of three who helped her husband manage their 600 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and livestock; and a well-read librarian until she retired at 75.
Care Community
Login required! Supplied by Music and Memory
Additional Staff Training – Newly hired staff at certified organizations are eligible to attend the Music & Memory Certification webinar free of charge. Communities may send unlimited new staff/volunteers for training.
Registration for additional staff takes place in the Care Community website. To register, login to the Care Community and click on Training ~> M&M Certification (Send Additional Staff and to order a Community plaque). After registering, new staff will be emailed login information and instructions to join the certification webinar.
Music & Memory Certified Organizations
Organizations that complete the MUSIC & MEMORY® Certification Program are certified as providers of our personalized music program. Our certification ensures families that their loved ones will have access to the transformative, therapeutic benefits of personalized music and marks the organization’s commitment to person-centered care.
U.C Davis 2020 Study _ Texas Statewide Effort
updated April 2022
Get the most out of your Music & Memory program
We “highly” recommend you watch/share the below video links with your staff/family members:
Leadership – Get the Music & Memory Advantage
How can your organization get the most out of your Music & Memory program? Success starts at the top, with the full involvement of leadership. We’ve created this course to help busy administrators learn best practices for program rollout. It consists of a 12-minute video (above) and a user-friendly guidebook that explains the five steps for successful implementation. We’ve based this course on research conducted with six of our MUSIC & MEMORY® Certified Care Organizations, to offer you a field-tested, proven method to enhance the quality of care while meeting key strategic objectives:
- Boost quality ratings
- Strengthen competitive edge
- Reduce antipsychotic use
- Improve regulatory compliance
- Foster teamwork across all departments
- Improve staff retention and morale
- Provide high quality, person-centered care
CNA — Introduction to Music & Memory
Music & Memory is most successful when it’s a team effort. Every member of the care team has an important role to play. But nursing assistants are key to the mix because they spend the most time with residents in a very personal way. Not only do they witness the immediate benefits of personalized music, but also can play an essential role in helping to identify which songs have the most positive impact. In addition, they can observe and report when a resident would most benefit from listening to musical favorites—to help ease transitions, for example, or make dressing or bathing a more soothing activity.
The short video (above) shows why—in their own words–nursing assistants and other care team members value the benefits of personalized music for residents at MorseLife, a MUSIC & MEMORY® Certified Care Organization in West Palm Beach, Florida. Topics include:
- Becoming a Music Detective
- Storage & Hygiene
- Enjoying the Music
- Pass it On
Therapists know the challenges of maximizing clinical outcomes – Music & Memory can help enhance their results with personalized music.
Music & Memory offers an established methodology that, when integrated into therapy, can improve client outcomes for a variety of real-life challenges drawn from the field, including:
- Lack of engagement
- Unmanaged behaviors
- Multiple medical complexities
- Extensive pain needs
Gait training for Parkinson’s patient using music.
Benefits of Personalized Music
Musical favorites tap deep emotional recall. That favorite song brings joy, eases pain, reduces stress, and can facilitate social connection. For family members, sharing a loved one’s music can enhance visits and deepen relationships that may have seemed lost, especially to dementia. For staff, personalized music provides an entryway to more meaningful relationships with those in their care — as well as a way to ease transitions, avoid challenging behaviors, and save time.
Again and again, care professionals tell us that our program is often life-changing for everyone involved:
- At last, here is a way to give pleasure to people with advanced dementia.
- Personalized music offers an enjoyable, fulfilling activity for those in dialysis, on vent, or bed-bound.
- Listening to musical favorites increases cooperation and attention, and reduces resistance to care — a real boost for staff morale.
- Personalized music reduces agitation and sundowning.
- Beloved music enhances engagement and socialization, fostering a calmer social environment.
- Music & Memory provides a valuable alternative to psychotropic medications.
PARO is an advanced interactive robot developed by AIST, a leading Japanese industrial automation pioneer. It allows the documented benefits of animal therapy to be administered to residents in extended care facilities where live animals present treatment or logistical difficulties.
- PARO has been found to reduce patient stress and their caregivers
- PARO stimulates interaction between patients and caregivers
- PARO has been shown to have a Psychological effect on patients, improving their relaxation and motivation
- PARO improves the socialization of patients with each other and with caregivers
- World’s Most Therapeutic Robot certified by Guinness World Records
PARO is the 8th generation of a design that has been in use in Japan and throughout Europe since 2003.
PARO has five kinds of sensors: tactile, light, audition, temperature, and posture sensors, with which it can perceive people and its environment. With the light sensor, PARO can recognize light and dark. He feels being stroked and beaten by tactile sensor, or being held by the posture sensor. PARO can also recognize the direction of voice and words such as its name, greetings, and praise with its audio sensor.
PARO is currently in 30 LeadingAge Washington SNFs.
Happiness is a visit with PARO!
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LeadingAge Washington is striving to improve the lives of residents living in its skilled nursing facilities through the “G.A.R.D.E.N.” project in partnership with Eldergrow’s therapeutic horticulture program. The GARDEN project (Garden Access Responds to Diagnosis & Environmental Needs) is an interactive and purposeful resident program that brings nature indoors with mobile, indoor therapeutic sensory gardens and a team of Eldergrow Educators who teach therapeutic horticulture classes. This unique initiative will be led by LeadingAge Washington in partnership with Eldergrow and senior living administrators, with the support of staff, families, volunteers and interns.
Numerous health care studies show a positive link between gardening and healing. Contact with gardens and nature can augment resident’s medical treatment, including mental, physical and emotional needs. Therapeutic horticulture has been proven to deliver tangible wellness benefits, including improved self- esteem, improved memory, reduced depression, improved motor skills, and increased socialization.* The project goals are: 1) Increase the quality of life by improving the residents’ emotional states and 2) improve the quality of care by focusing on the six therapeutic horticulture wellness goals set forth from the American Horticultural Therapy Society. Eldergrow strives to reach an 80% resident attainment rate on both goals.
Cycling Without Age “Let’s Go For a Ride” Program – Building Better Lives
This project will directly benefit nursing home residents as access to the trishaws and or trikes will provide them the opportunity to experience the outdoors, socialize with others and engage in the familiar and beloved activity of biking despite limited mobility. For many residents who have experienced a decrease in function as they have aged, a “bike” ride will allow for reminiscing, sensory stimulation and enjoyment all of which will contribute to feelings of wellbeing and an improved quality of life. This project will directly benefit residents in a number of ways, namely by;
1) Bringing residents out of their structured, closed environment and into the outdoors and back into the community. The simple act of going outside and experiencing the outdoors has positive health benefits for seniors living in nursing facilities post COVID.
2) Encouraging social interactions between residents and volunteers, family, other residents, and members of the community, enriches the daily lives of the residents in ways not always possible when they remain in a closed nursing facility environment.
3) Providing opportunities for residents to tell their personal stories, particularly about their past experiences as members of their local communities, during their rides, and
4) Providing new experiences for residents at a time in their lives when new experiences are not commonplace for residents.
5) Making residents feel that they still belong to their communities. Seniors in trishaws / trikes are made visible during the rides and feel celebrated.
Ole Kassow is a Danish entrepreneur who started Cycling Without Age, a nonprofit that encourages volunteers to cycle with senior citizens in bike taxis as a way to help them get outdoors. Kassow shares his Brief But Spectacular take on the right to relate.
Washington contact: Program Success Manager, Gabrielle Myers,
Eversound is a wireless listening system that includes wireless headphones and necessary transmitter and microphones to allow Nursing home staff to fully engage with residents regardless of their level of hearing loss. Eversound is referred to as an “engagement amplifier” and is designed to deliver sounds directly and without distraction into the ears of those with hearing deficiencies or who lack focus due to dementia during group programming as well as one on one activities. It can also be used to support family visits that require physical distancing or mask wearing.” Per a JAMA study, untreated hearing loss can lead to a 21% increased likelihood of death1, impacting residents’ length of stay in a community.
- Mitigate the risks of untreated hearing loss
- Reduce the risks of falls and dementia
- Works with iN2L systems
provide immediate results for residents
- 77%- increase in resident engagement
- 64% – increase in resident mood
- 77% – improvement in resident comprehension
Washington contact: Natasha Arsovska, Community Success and Grant Project Manager –
CMS recently approved additional funding to support improved air quality in nursing homes. Facilities may now request up $3,000 for indoor portable air cleaners with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA, H-13 or -14) filters to increase or improve air quality. (In-person visitation aids)
Where RSV, colds and flus are currently the norm let’s help to mitigate the problem NOW. In this environment, keeping staff and residents healthy and productive is one of your greatest challenges. Let’s work together to create safer shared spaces! Please note: SNFs may only apply for one air cleaner grant per site
As of March 1st, over 40 LeadingAge WAs SNFs have received the Violett UVC air disinfection technology. If you would like to obtain a Violett Air Cleaner for your community please contact Nicey (e)
October 15, 2023 – Violett is proud to announce that we were one of 20 startups selected to receive the Washington Competes grant from Life Science Washington Institute and The Washington State Department of Commerce! This grant will help us continue our ongoing efforts to innovate on what it means to breathe clean air and to provide you with the best sterilization system possible.
Helpful Resources:
- October 2022 White House Summit on Indoor Air Quality –
- Clean Air in Buildings Pledge –
- Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Make You Sick or Keep You Well –
- Harvard “We’re Better Off When We Can Breathe Easy” podcast
- ARE Labs Report 10938.10 – Efficacy of the Violett L – MS2 Bacteriophage – V1.1
- LeadingAge Violett Initiative 3
Violett’s M model performed 1,000,000 times better than a leading competitor in viral load reduction during independent third party testing. Breathe easier knowing our proprietary combination of UVC light, Violett vortex technology and HEPA filtration is keeping your air cleaner than the competition. VIDEO
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Washington contact: Nicey Hilton, Vice President, Business Development, e:
Improving the quality of life for seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Every 65 seconds someone in the United States is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia with more than 5.8 million currently living with it (Alzheimer’s Association). A proven and successful approach to memory care is the SAIDO® Learning Program, offered exclusively through partnership with Covenant Living. SAIDO Learning, developed in Japan in 2001, is now a world-renowned model of care for Alzheimer’s and dementia.
LeadingAge Washington is bringing SAIDO Learning to our skilled nursing communities using the Washington CMP Reinvestment Funds. Our organizations share our resident-centered mission to offer SAIDO Learning to residents living with dementia. Staff are trained to create a place for residents with dementia to thrive.
Since COVID-19, isolation has been on everyone’s mind. SAIDO brings individuals living with dementia out of their rooms for one-on-one learning – the best of cognitive stimulation and social benefits.
Find out how to become a SAIDO Learning partner and offer real hope to people living with dementia – and their loved ones.
SAIDO Overview:
SAIDO Research Trial Video (featuring Evelyn Winsberg): This video shares the impact of SAIDO Learning as observed in Learner
Evelyn Winsberg during the 6-month research trial at Eliza Jennings.
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SAIDO Learning contact: Jill Ricker –
For questions regarding Washington’s CMP Grant programs, please contact