New CMS Training Modules Available on QSEP

New CMS Training Modules Available on QSEP

CMS has added a new Quality in Focus tab on the CMS QSEP Training Site
These are three of the most cited F-tags and are available for review by all of your nurses.

Quality in Focus Resources for Addressing LTC Free of Accident Citations Training for Providers

This QIF provides resources that may aid LTC providers in recognizing potential free of accident deficiency citations and developing a Plan of Correction. (10 min).

Quality in Focus Resources for Addressing LTC Treatment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcer Citations Training for Providers

This QIF provides resources that may aid LTC providers in recognizing potential prevention of pressure ulcer deficiency citations and developing a Plan of Correction. (10 min.)

Quality in Focus-Resources for Addressing LTC Medication Error Citations – For Providers

This QIF provides resources that may aid LTC providers in recognizing potential medication error deficiency citations and developing a Plan of Correction. (10 min.)




Laura Hofmann, MSN, RN – Director of Clinical and Nursing Facility Regulatory Services
c: 425-231-4804


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November 22, 2022