CDC Updated Guidance

CDC Updated Guidance

Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People:

CDC updated their guidance for fully vaccinated people. The updated guidance includes an updated “Choosing Safer Activities” infographic with new considerations for the example activity for outdoor gatherings with fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

Types of Masks:

CDC updated their guidance for unvaccinated people on the types of masks. There are many types of masks you can use to protect yourself and others from getting and spreading COVID-19. When choosing a mask, choose one that fits snugly. The CDC outlines the uses of cloth masks, disposable masks, and masks that meet a standard. CDC recommends that N95 respirators should be prioritized for protection against COVID-19 in healthcare settings. Essential workers and workers who routinely wore respirators before the pandemic should continue wearing N95 respirators. As N95s become available they can be worn in non-healthcare settings.

COVID-19 Data Tracker Updates:

CDC added new information to their COVID-19 data tracker. CDC updated the healthcare personnel tab to now show trends in cases and deaths among healthcare personnel by week. CDC also updated the daily and total trends tab with a new time slider, which allows for the narrowing of date ranges in the display to focus and zoom the trends lines and bars in on smaller periods of time.




Laura Hofmann, MSN, RN – Director of Clinical and Nursing Facility Regulatory Services
c: 425-231-4804

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June 2, 2021