◂  February 2024

2024 Virtual Nurse Leadership Program


2024 Virtual Nurse Leadership Program

Thursdays, 12:00-2:00pm

Registration is now closed. If you are still interested in participating, please email Lynn Monaghan at lmonaghan@leadingagewa.org.


“High Administrator and Director of Nursing turnover land providers more complaint investigations” according to an article published in an issue of McKnights addressing research results in a study by Miami University in Ohio.

“Staffing retention matters just as much at the top of the managerial chain as it does for frontline staff.” Retaining your Nursing Leadership and Administrator is likely to result in fewer consumer complaints and fewer substantiated complaints.  Nursing Homes with high leadership turnover are more likely to be in the group of facilities with 6 or more substantiated complaints.  Not only were the complaints made but they resulted in actual deficiencies in care.

Leadership instability has been found to be significantly associated with high turnover of frontline staff which influences overall quality of care according to a recent JAMDA study. 

Do you want to avoid complaint investigations?  Do you have new nurse leaders on your team?  Do you want to solidify collaboration and cohesion among your nurse leaders?

Consider having your Leadership Team participate in this upcoming 5-month intensive live Virtual training.  The Program consists of a weekly Zoom meeting lasting 2 hours where leadership staff will meet with the Program Facilitator for Education and Consultation.  Sessions will be recorded and available to participants to review during the 5-month period.

Why should your team attend?

  1. To Invest in your team and set them up for success!
  2. Program is incorporated into their workday (no travel or need to be away from the community)
  3. To gain a greater understanding about DSHS regulatory requirements and to adopt strategies to be survey-ready at all times!
  4. Access to a Nurse Leader mentor during the training program!
  5. Learn to use a systems approach to managing day-to-day operations and address challenges.
  6. To cross-train members of the nurse leadership team.

Who Should attend: 

Director of Nursing, Assistant Director of Nursing, Staff Development/Clinical Educator, MDS Coodinator, Infection Preventionist.

Click here for full program information, as well as the schedule of topics.


Member rate: $2450; Nonmember rate: $2849

Trainer: Bonnie Blachly, MN, RN, LNC, and EOLD

Bonnie has years of experience working as a DNS and has been consulting for 18 years with nursing leaders in Long Term Care. She has taught Leadership classes at UWB since 2007. She has re-organized Nursing Departments as a result of long-term employee retirements.

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