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◂  December 2023

Virtual Series: Nursing Practice in Community Based Care


Lynn Monaghan

Virtual Series

Nursing Practice in Community Based Care

December 4, 5, 6, 9:00am-1:00pm PT




The LeadingAge Washington Nursing Practice in HCBS course will provide the most updated information related to regulatory compliance and standards of practice for nursing and health services in home and community-based settings such as assisted living. The aim is to assist learners in understanding the “systems perspective” related to operations and practice. The subjects during the first two days include the nurse role in CBC, change of condition and monitoring, evaluation and service planning, RN delegation, medication systems, understanding supportive devices, and abuse and neglect investigation and reporting. On the third day, the focus is on training and supervision, infection control, quality improvement, the survey process, and nurse well-being. Daily assignments allow the learner to do a deeper dive into the material. All classes will be held from 9 am to 1 pm. There are one hour pre and post reading assignments designed to improve comprehension of the subject matter in order to provide 15 CEU’s.


  • Review and discuss the Washington Requirements (388-78A) and how these relate to the role of the licensed nurse
  • Understand the systems and processes needed to maintain regulatory compliance and quality health services
  • Define the role of the licensed nurse (RN & LPN) in the Community Based Care Setting
  • Review and discuss the State Board of Nursing Scope of Practice Rules for Delegation
  • Understand the Washington Requirements for Abuse Investigations and Reporting
  • Define “person-centered interdisciplinary approach” to care
  • Review and discuss the components of an effective quality improvement system
  • Demonstrate an understanding of “Root Cause Analysis” using case studies


Member rate — $275/person for the series; Nonmember rate — $375/person for the series


Demetria (Demi) Haffenreffer, RN, MBA

Demetria (Demi) Haffenreffer, RN, MBA, has made long-term care her profession since 1973, first as a Director of Nursing and for the last forty-five years as a consultant. She served as founder and President of Haffenreffer & Associates, Inc., an Oregon consulting firm supporting skilled and community-based care providers in the delivery of person￾centered, compassionate care. She is currently President and CEO of Demi Haffenreffer, LLC, assisting skilled and community-based facilities with legal defense, informal disputes, special projects, and teaching MDS classes. Demi is known as a dynamic and interesting presenter. Her thorough knowledge of the regulations combined with her extensive hands-on experience provide for practical, everyday solutions to the challenges facing the care giver and facility.


Pre-assignment to Day 1 – all participants will have a pre-day 1 reading assignment to complete prior to beginning of the workshop

Day 1 – 9 am to 1 pm

  • Role of the Nurse – Overview
  • Evaluation and Service Planning requirements and the nurse’s role
  • Change of Condition requirements and the nurse’s role
  • Risk Agreements and the nurse’s role
  • Individual Limitations and the nurse’s role
  • Care Coordination

Post-assignments include a test and a reading assignment in preparation for Day 2

Day 2 – 9 am to 1 pm

  • Delegation
  • Medication System requirements and the nurse’s role
  • Psychotropic Medication requirements and the nurse’s role
  • Supportive Devices with restraining qualities and the nurse’s role
  • Abuse Requirements and the nurse’s role

Post-assignments include a test and a reading assignment in preparation for Day 3

Day 3 – 9 am to 1 pm

  • The survey process
  • Quality Improvement

Post-assignments include a test.

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