Member Wage Survey Reminder

Member Wage Survey Reminder

This is a reminder to complete the Wage Survey that is being conducted by NRC Health. A reminder was sent out yesterday to providers who have not yet completed the survey. The last reminder will be sent out on September 19th and surveys must be completed by September 20th. Please make sure the email from NRC Health is sent to the appropriate person within your organization to ensure it’s completed.

This survey is not only beneficial for your organization but other organizations in your area. Providers can use the information from the survey to help guide decision making for employment and budget development. It is incredibly important that all members participate in the survey to ensure each region and setting is represented appropriately.  Members who participate in the survey will receive the results at a discounted price.

Please reach out with any additional questions. 

Alyssa Schnitzius-Director of Senior Living & Community Services 
1102 Broadway, Suite 201 | Tacoma, Washington 98402
p: 253.964.8870 | c: 206.948.2279