LeadingAge Washington’s 69th Annual Virtual Conference * TOGETHER * Now Available ON-DEMAND

LeadingAge Washington’s 69th Annual Virtual Conference * TOGETHER * Now Available ON-DEMAND

Learn on YOUR Time!  

Our 2020 Annual  Virtual Conference theme is  Healing Together…

Join our community of aging professionals as we come together around our common goal – expanding the possibilities for Washington seniors.

Let’s make progress together by exchanging ideas and experiences with colleagues, while exploring bold new approaches.

Let’s continue working together – innovating, serving, and elevating our field. Together, we can! 


Message from our Keynote Guest Speaker, Larry Minnix, Author, Past President & CEO, LeadingAge

Our Strategic Focus ~ The 69th Annual LeadingAge Washington Virtual Conference continues to be built around strategic initiatives related to expanding possibilities for aging. Areas of focus for the Conference will be transforming the continuum of care to better meet consumer needs, demands and expectations; developing and retaining a skilled workforce; best practices in resident care models (including, but not limited to, culture change); quality improvement and accountability; and new technologies for older adult service delivery.

Join us as we go VIRTUAL for our 69th Annual Conference & EXPO on October 27-29th, where together we will!   Conference On-Demand Program 

Thank you for participating in our 69th Annual Virtual Conference – October 27-29th.  We will be moving our event to an On-Demand platform for 90 days, November 9th –  February 6th.  Take this opportunity to ENGAGE in over 55+ sessions, Keynotes, Sponsors and EXPO Hall.



Our Virtual doors will  OPEN  7:30 a.m. on Monday November 9th  

If you are interested in our On-Demand platform, registration is OPEN –  Join us!