Sign Up Now! Virtual Job Fair Pilot Program Through the State Employment Security Department and WSAC
Consider participating in a Virtual Job Fair using the “Brazen platform” while working with the State Employment Security Dept. and WSAC. There are no costs to participate as an employer in this pilot program. Please review the details below to see how the Virtual Job Fair actually looks. The first two regions to be participating are in Spokane (this week) and Walla Walla (June 4th). If you are interested in posting your positions, please let me know. Whether you are in the area or not – there are job seekers ALL over Washington. “Let’s jump in!”
Here are the next 2 virtual job fair events currently scheduled:
Tri-Cities Virtual Job Fair
- June 4 10am – 2pm
- Check out the Tri-Cities event Landing page
North Central Washington Virtual Job Fair (this got expanded to include Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Adams counties)
- June 10 10am – 2pm
- Check out the North Central Washington event Landing page
If you are interested to participate in or learn more about these upcoming virtual job fairs, please email Bretta at and indicate which event(s) in the future that you are interested in!
During this time of shelter in place restrictions we are seeing a wide variety of activities move from in-person to virtual interactions. Since we are unable to hold traditional in-person job fairs to connect the unprecedented number of unemployed individuals with employers who do have jobs available, the Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD) is collaborating with regional Workforce Development Councils to hold virtual job fair events.
ESD has contracted with Brazen Technology as the virtual job fair (VJF) software platform. Brazen is a “conversational recruitment platform” that allows recruiters to connect with multiple job seekers and conduct initial conversations using familiar instant messaging chat technology. It is an opportunity for employers to identify (aka screen) candidates who they may want to follow up with to conduct more formal interviews by phone or video.
Here are some additional materials for you to watch/review to get a better feel for how an actual VJF works:
- Video demo of Brazen virtual job fair platform
- Everything you need to know about Virtual Events
- Link to Brazen “live” walk through demo – This is a copy of a live demo that Brazen provided. Just so you know before you download it, it is almost an hour long and it is a BIG video file – over 100MB in size. The actual demo starts about 1:30 minutes into the video – there is a static screen shot prior to that.
The following regional virtual job fair events are currently being planned:
- Spokane – May 21 from 10am – 2pm (completed)
- Tri-Cities – June 4 from 10am – 2pm
- Okanogan-Chelan-Douglas counties – June 10th
- Pierce county – Date TBB soon
- Additional dates and locations to follow
Provided below are some additional FAQs.
If you are interested in participating in one of these events, please let us know and I will forward your information to the ESD virtual job fair coordinator.
- What is a Virtual Job Fair (VJF)?
- A Virtual Job Fair (VJF) takes place through a technology vendor – we are working with Brazen Technology. Brazen is a “conversational recruitment platform” that allows recruiters to connect with multiple job seekers and conduct initial conversations using familiar instant messaging chat technology. It is an opportunity for employers to identify (aka screen) candidates who they may want to follow up with to conduct more formal interviews by phone or video.
- Why?
- In response to the COVID-19 crisis, we are exploring various opportunities to connect the large new pool of job seekers with employers who are still hiring at this time. While the virtual job fair is more of a necessity right now until we can conduct in-person job fairs again, as we all gain more experience with this virtual option, we expect that VJFs will be added to the mix of in-person and online recruitment options in the “new normal” future.
- How does it work?
- Employers that are interested will work with us and technical support staff from Brazen to set up the their “virtual booth” at the event. This will include submitting general information about the company, the job openings, and any other relevant information that an employer would typically have available at a job fair. Employers/recruiters will have the ability to specify the type(s) of candidates (experience, required certificates, etc.) they want in advance, and they’ll have the ability to live chat with candidates during the event. Employers can access job seekers’ resumes in advance of the event as well. At the end of the event, each employer will receive complete transcripts of each chat they had with job seekers for follow up.
- How much time do employers need to dedicate to this?
- Preparation in advance of the event again depends on the number of positions the employer is looking to fill, but as soon as employers register and identify who the recruiters will be, they will get a link to training resources and technical support that is recommended for first time participants.
- How much does it cost to participate?
- There is no cost to participate in this pilot VJF. There may be a nominal cost for employers to participate in future VJF events but as we all explore this new option we will only ask that you respond to a post VJF survey to get your feedback on how it went and your ideas for improvement.
- How do job seekers apply and how many job seekers do you anticipate will participate?
- Job seekers register from a VJF landing page (URL) and must register in advance to participate. During registration, they will be able to upload their resumes and answer a few questions up front.
- We plan to provide 500-750 slots for job seekers, depending on the number of employers who participate. As we pilot this type of virtual event, we will receive guidance from Brazen regarding the best ratio of job seekers to employers/jobs available/participating recruiters based on their experience.
Pat Sylvia – Director of Education and Member Development
LeadingAge Washington
c: 360.556.5446