NEW Workforce Matching Tool *  * Registration Opens June 8th

NEW Workforce Matching Tool *  * Registration Opens June 8th

Washington State has an opportunity to participate in the pilot of a new workforce development website through ADvancing States.  We are the second state to participate- Colorado began using the tool earlier in May.  The website, is a special project of ADvancing States to facilitate job matching between healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals. allows nursing homes, assisted living facilities, residential care facilities, and long-term acute care hospitals to identify specific staffing needs. Individuals who are licensed and/or trained for the various roles in these facilities can register their availability and willingness to fill shifts. An algorithm then matches the workers and the facilities in real time to address staffing shortages. Eventually, ADvancing States will provide this job matching tool for use in all 56 States and Territories in order to provide facilities with a way to fill critical staffing gaps quickly and to provide individuals looking for healthcare jobs an easy way to connect with potential employers.

The state is moving quickly to get the structure in place in order to being the matching process. They will be uploading the contact information for all LTC providers. Here are the next steps after the upload takes place:

  • As a licensed provider, you will receive a registration email from Connect to Care Jobs (ADvancing States) after June 8th  giving you access to the website and to register your information. This email should come to you early next week.  The email that your facility has on file with ALTSA is the address the email will be sent to. Only licensed facilities have this access;
  • If, for some reason, you would like to decline the opportunity, do not reply to the registration email.  Simply ignore it or delete it;
  • If, for some reason, there is no email listed for your facility, ALTSA will work with us to get current email addresses. This will occur in a second phase of the pilot.  You will be contacted when this portion of the project begins so that you can participate in this opportunity;

Please read the information linked below and look for an email from Connect to Care Jobs (ADvancing States) early next week.  The Quick Guide is very informative and is sure to answer questions that you have.  It includes information for both registering and how to post job openings. 

If need be, here is the contact information for Connect to Care Jobs if you have questions regarding the website and registration, etc.:


ADvancing States Announces the Launch of ConnectToCareJobs




Alyssa Odegaard- Vice President, Public Policy 

c: 206.948.2279

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