10 Red Flags in Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Deals

10 Red Flags in Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Deals

LeadingAge has published an updated, “10 Red Flags in LIHTC Deals.” Low Income Housing Tax Credit “Year-15” disputes have continued, too often damaging the position of nonprofit owners. With the rise of housing credit industry aggregators, LIHTC developers should look out for 10 key “red flags” in their project partnerships. The 10 red flags are drawn from the experiences of LeadingAge members, the National Housing Trust, and insights from key industry issues. These potential events and/or circumstances may indicate a problem is looming, and general partners should review their circumstances beginning no later than year-10. The “10 red flags” document can be found here.

A good backgrounder on year-15 aggregator disputes is the Washington State Housing Finance Commission’s Nonprofit Transfer Disputes in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: An Emerging Threat to Affordable Housing.  




Laura Hofmann, MSN, RN – Director of Clinical and Nursing Facility Regulatory Services
c: 425-231-4804

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