DOH Updates: Interim Guidance for Transferring Residents Between Long-Term Care and Other Healthcare Settings

DOH Updates: Interim Guidance for Transferring Residents Between Long-Term Care and Other Healthcare Settings

The guidance for transferring between long-term care and other healthcare settings has been updated to emphasize that “testing should not be required prior to transfer of a resident to a LTCF,” and to provide additional guidance and minimum standards for admitting to a LTCF during a LTCF COVID-19 outbreak including:

  • Infection prevention policies must be in place and infection prevention expertise available;
  • Adequate staffing, PPE, and testing capacity to safely care for residents;
  • A designated COVID unit or area, or plans in place for a designated COVID unit or are that can be quickly implemented;
  • A plan in place for cohorting residents and staff;
  • At least one round of facility-wide testing complete, with all results reported;
  • Notifying the resident to be admitted (or guardian/POA) of the COVID status in the facility

Facilities should continue to collaborate with their LHJ on outbreak response.

DOH Interim COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

COVID-19 Tip Sheet for Long-Term Care Settings: Combating Loneliness through the Holidays




Laura Hofmann, MSN, RN
Director of Clinical and Nursing Facility Regulatory Services

c: 360-691-9281

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