Assisted Living Certified Leadership & Management Virtual Training Program begins February 2nd * 6 days over 3 weeks
LeadingAge Washington is proud to announce the return of the Assisted Living Certified Leadership & Management Program. This program is structured to assist the new or experienced Assisted Living Director those that want to gain knowledge about the Assisted Living profession. This is a time to get to know your peers, exchange ideas, learn new techniques, share and have a little fun in the process.
Experienced presenters will share their expertise in areas of nursing, audit, complaint investigations, dining service, marketing, building strong TEAMs and state regulations.
All classes will be held via Zoom, with the ability to work on teams to solve real time challenges in the Assisted Living profession, ask questions, share experiences and learn practical solutions to real challenges.
All courses have been certified by the State of Washington for CEU’s.
Dates: 6 1/2 days over 3 weeks. Mark your calendars.
- Feb. 2nd, 9th, and 16th * 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Tuesdays)
- Feb. 4th, 11th and 18th * Noon – 4:00 p.m. (Thursdays)
Developed & Facilitated by: Paula “Tommy” Tomlinson, CALA, FACHCA, VidaCare Consulting
Registration details coming soon!
Alyssa Odegaard- Vice President, Public Policy
c: 206.948.2279