Changes Coming to COVID-19 Vaccine Reporting Module on NHSN
CDC has shared that they will be making a few changes to the COVID-19 vaccine reporting module on NHSN. Changes are being made on a few data elements to streamline reporting and provide greater clarification around requested data. Recall that this reporting is currently optional; however, based on CMS “strongly encouraging” reporting through this module and the recently proposed FY 2022 SNF PPS rule that includes a proposed SNF QRP measure on COVID-19 vaccination rates among staff, we’ll be keeping an eye out for a switch from optional to mandatory reporting.
Updated Tables of Instructions and FAQs on this reporting module will be released next week and NHSN will hold a training on Tuesday, May 11 at 12:30pm PT. Registration has not yet opened but will be posted here, along with the above-mentioned documents. A recording of the May 11 training will be available at the same link following the training.
Laura Hofmann, MSN, RN – Director of Clinical and Nursing Facility Regulatory Services
c: 425-231-4804